Biased Observations from a Questionable Source | Notion
Essays by Tucker Parsons
[email protected]
The Good Guys are Losing
Putin Won’t Push The Button (Oct. 22)
Welcome to the Gray War (March 2022)
The Four Horsemen (Feb, 2022)
The Rose Garden Snafu (2020)
Hot Mike on Air Force One (2020)
39 Days (March, 2020)
Do NOT buy the dip (March, 2020)
From The Other Tucker (2019)
News Porn (2019)
My Take on Trump Russia (April 2019)
The Life Changing Magic of Shutting Your Mouth (2018)
Four Writer’s Rules (2018)
The Biggest Victim (2018)
It’s the script, stupid (2017)
Bad Day at the Vet (2003)